Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ron Paul Monkey Business?

Read this on the color of the Ames Straw Poll.

OK, so how did Ron Paul, who apparently was trying to do well in Ames, only get 9% of the vote? I mean, he had a live monkey, people! Doesn't that just scream presidential material to you?

Maybe people didn't like the monkey. Maybe the monkey was mean or threw poo at people. Maybe the people were starting to realize (as I am) that Ron Paul has many good points but also many dangerous positions (such as the appearance that he is being backed by several groups and individuals that want the United States to surrender its nuclear arsenal).

I'm thinking that Fred Thompson, John McCain, and Rudy Giuliani were wise to stay away from Ames. Better to stay away from monkeys, Elvis impersonators, and children's inflatable toys for as long as possible.


I think you're just making stuff up. There aren't any groups backing Ron Paul, and he's so intent on building a strong defense it just makes no sense that he'd reduce any of our weapon capabilities.
First of all, he didn't bring the monkey. Some old lady brought the monkey.

Secondly, where did you come up with this wacko conspiracy theory about Ron Paul "being backed by several groups and individuals that want the United States to surrender its nuclear arsenal"?

That's funny. It's extra funny because it's so far from reality...
We get it. You're with Fred. You should still get your facts straight.
I'm with Ron Paul. I am with Fred if I want entertainment, and a good actor. ;-)
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