Monday, June 04, 2007


2007 Tennessee Republican Party Statesmen's Dinner

My apologies for posting this so late. Between the festivities in Nashville, a nauseous, pregnant wife, and house-hunting, it was quite the busy weekend. Due to Circuit Court this morning, this post will also be quite brief.

First of all, I want to sincerely thank everyone who made our attendance at the dinner possible. In particular, Senator Lamar Alexander made us feel right at home as our gracious host, and he even answered all of our questions throughout dinner. As always, Tennessee GOP Chairman Bob Davis, Vice-Chairwoman Robin Smith, and the rest of the staff coordinated a fantastic event.

Here are a few random thoughts of the night:

Regarding some of the speeches:

That's all for now. I have more to say on the night and how much I enjoyed the evening - along with many pictures - but I will have to post them this afternoon.

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