Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Out of My Element This Weekend

So, the UT football team has a bye week this weekend. No one was happier than my lovely wife, who was able to talk me into attending her reunion at Vanderbilt University.

Not knowing what to expect when hanging around the financial elites, I solicited advice from my network of friends as to how to survive this weekend, which, I dare say, is probably a little different from the blasty blast reunions at the University of Tennessee.

I was shocked at what I was sent. Take a look at what awaits me this weekend, courtesy of a Duke alum.

Egads. That truly is scary.

At least (assuming I survive the "football game" between a team that lost to Army last week and a team that got beaten like it's mascot had run into Michael Vick) there is something to look forward to. Box seats for Dane Cook at the Sommet Center on Saturday night should be a fun time.

Pray for me, Vol fans. Pray that I return from Nashville with my Wranglers on, pick-up truck in working order, and conservative values intact.

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