Friday, March 13, 2009


Upcoming Political Events

Thought I would spread the word about several East Tennessee events on the horizon, a few of which are Lincoln or Reagan Day events. Folks, I want to say a word about the Lincoln/Reagan Day dinners. With the notable exception of Knox County, these events are the annual fundraisers for your county Republican party. They are what keep the doors open, so to speak. They are also a fun time to connect with friends and neighbors. Please make efforts to help your local parties, particularly in this non-election year. 2009 sets the stage for 2010, which, for Tennessee Republicans, may be one of the most crucial state election cycles in history due to the redistricting issue.

Editorializing aside, here are the specifics on the events:

Grainger County Lincoln Day Dinner
Date: April 18, 2009
Cost: $15
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Place: Rutledge Middle School
For tickets call Linda Sommer (865-805-0989) or David Bishop (865-828-5757).

Tennessee Conservative Union's St. Patrick's Day Celebration
When: Monday, March 16th
Dinner: 6:00 P.M.
Program: 7:00 P.M.
Where: Ramsey’s Restaurant
Cost: Dutch Treat Dinner Buffet
RSVP: Leave message at (865) 300-3711
Emcee, Lloyd O’Daugherty, featuring "Kelvin O’McMoxley’s" lecture on temperance, the ramifications of the smoking ban on our culture, society and himself. .
Special prizes awarded for Reddest Hair, Most Irish Name and Least Irish name.

Rutherford County Reagan Day Dinner
When: March 14, 2009, from 6:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Where: Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Murfreesboro
Costs: VIP Reception and Dinner: $300/couple.
Dinner Only: $75/person.
Speakers: Bill Gibbons, Shelby District Attorney General; Bill Haslam, Knoxville Mayor; Zack Wamp, Congressman, Tennessee's 3rd District, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey.
Tickets Call: (615) 893-7219.

Sevier County Lincoln Day Dinner
When: March 19, 2009 at 6:00 P.M.
Where: Mainstay Suites in Pigeon Forge
Reception begins at 6:00 P.M.
Program and Dinner at 7:00 P.M.
Speaker: Congressman Phil Roe, Tennessee's 1st District

Anderson County Reagan Day Dinner
When: March 27, 2009 at 6:30 P.M.
Where: Flatwater Grill Conference Center in Oak Ridge
Tickets can be obtained at Rick Chinn's office at 575 Oak Ridge Turnpike
Dinner - $50 per person
VIP reception with Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey - $50 per person
VIP reception scheduled from 5:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.
Speaker: Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey

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