Thursday, April 26, 2007


Reminder: Knox County Lincoln Day is next Saturday

Just a reminder that the Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner is set for next Saturday, May 5th. The keynote speaker is Senator Richard Burr (which, in the run-up to 2008, is a bit disappointing, but more on that later). I predict a great time and a great turnout.

Tickets are $30 apiece, which is a bit high but not bad when compared to the Statesmen Dinner in Nashville in June. The $280 per head that the TN GOP is asking for that is too steep for me, and I've had three Republican lawyers (yes, there are at least three of us) tell me the same thing this week. But I digress...

You can pick up your tickets for the Knox County Lincoln Day from GOP Headquarters, or, if you want to help out the gals down at the 4th Circuit Clerk's office in the City-County Building, you can purchase your tickets at their office (enter through the main door, travel over the walkway, take a left and they are on the left). See Jennifer - she's the one I bought my tickets from.

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