Thursday, July 20, 2006


Free Supper with South Knox GOP

This comes from the South Knox Republican Club:

The South Knox Republican Club will have a cook-out on July 20 from 5:00 to 7:00. Everyone is welcome so come on out. We meet at the Optimist Club Building on Moore Road in the Gary Underwood Park. Curtis Anderson is the President.

The VOLConWife and I plan to be there, and all local GOP candidates have been invited to attend. Come on out and join us for hot dogs and watermelon!

UPDATE: Gary Drinnen, who is running against Stacey Campfield for his Tennessee House seat in the primary to be settled August 3rd, reminded me of another GOP event tonight. This one is in North Knox for the 7th and 8th Districts. The event is from 5:30 until 8:30 at Elizabeth Lane Farm, 6505 Emory Road. Nearly every GOP candidate on the August ballot is expected to be there, and - as is mandatory at all GOP functions this year - BBQ will be served.

I don't see why an enterprising person couldn't hit both events, which is what I may try to do.

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