Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Farragut Parade

Georgiana Vines has a nice write-up of the Town of Farragut's 4th of July Parade in today's Knoxville News-Sentinel. I marched in the parade with Ed Bryant and several of his supporters Tuesday morning, and it was a fun (and hot) experience.

There were a few items that Georgiana missed, though.

For starters, she mentions political candidates such as Jim Andrews throwing items at people on the parade route. Now that's interesting, because on the Town of Farragut's website, in the form that has to be submitted by every parade group that asks to participate (except for Bob Corker and Van Hilleary, of course, because they didn't even bother to register), the following can be read:

"Due to insurance regulations and children’s safety, PLEASE DO NOT THROW ANY ITEMS from your car or float. Throwing of objects, including candy, is STRICTLY PROHIBITED as it may cause a safety hazard. This is to avoid someone being hit or run over by a vehicle, etc. trying to pick up items in the road. Parade participants wishing to distribute items may have individuals walk alongside the entry and HAND OUT ITEMS to the crowd."

Apparently, some people believe that the rules don't apply to them. It is especially troubling considering that Andrews wants to be a judge, where his job would be to enforce the rules. It appears from the story that Mike Moyers, who is running against Andrews for the chancellor's position, obeyed the rules.

Andrews wasn't the only one to violate the rules, but he was the one caught in print. It just adds more doubt as to a candidacy that already was in trouble after his reactions to losing to Tim Hutchison last time around resurfaced during this campaign.

All in all, it was a fun morning, though. I certainly don't want to overshadow that. I have a few other fun stories that I would like to relay, and I will do so if time allows later on.

All -

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They didn't mention the jugglers! (I half expected them to call us on the throwing rule)

btw, where is your comment policy?
Doug -

Nor were the cloggers mentioned. Gotta love the cloggers.

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