Friday, March 24, 2006


How Fancy Do You Want Your Senator?

So, would you like to delve into the Harold Ford, Jr. Campaign? Nathan Moore has the key. Some aspects you may disapprove of. Others... Well, you might approve of if you are a guy. Let's just say that.

Congressman Ford, you're just too fancy for me.

UPDATE: But you're not too fancy for Sarah Jessica Parker, best known as the worst actress of the four women who starred in "Sex and the City." Parker is hosting a high-profile fundraiser for Ford in NYC. However, this isn't Parker's first dalliance into politics. As TeamGOP points out in a must-read article, Parker has a long history of ultra-liberal political assistance, especially for pro-abortion causes.

After you read a laundry list of liberalism like Parker's and you connect her to Ford, you just have to wonder who the liberal mainstream media thinks it is fooling with all of the claims of Ford's conservatism.

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