Friday, November 04, 2005


Clint Brewer's Latest Column

Clint Brewer has a good column regarding the 2006 Senate race. However, he did slightly misrepresent the military service records of Hilleary and Bryant (if I can take up for my former boss for a second) by not mentioning Bryant's service record. Yes, Hilleary served as a navigator on a cargo plane in Desert Storm for 4 months and was Air National Guard prior to that, but I would put Ed Bryant's six years of volunteer service in the U.S. Army up against Van's experience. One of Van's genius campaign staff might want to inform him that running on one's military experience works best when the chief competition doesn't have a similar (or even superior) service record.

Below is Brewer's column:

Hilleary battles for future, survival
Managing Editor
The Lebanon Democrat

Former Congressman Van Hilleary is in a fight not only for his political future but quite possibly his political survival. He seems rather comfortable despite being locked in a battle with another conservative to be the Tennessee Republican Party's standard bearer in next year¹s U.S. Senate race.

"I think we¹ve got an excellent campaign and an excellent chance of winning," Hilleary said on a stop this week by the offices of The Lebanon Democrat. "It is because I am a sincere conservative. They (voters) know I am qualified for the job."

Hilleary is in a pitched battle with a one-time brother in arms from the Republican Class of 1994, former 7th District Congressman Ed Bryant. Both men are seeking the GOP nomination for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's open seat next year.

And both men have nearly identical views on hot-button conservative issues, from gun control to abortion and taxes. Both men also have high name identification among likely Republican voters and in their own polling are leading the likely Democratic nominee, Congressman Harold Ford Jr. of Memphis.

However, polls have made up the bulk of the debate topics in the GOP primary contest. Hilleary and Bryant have released their own polls over the past year, showing both men well ahead of the other. A Zogby "interactive" ­ or Internet based ­poll this last week listed just slightly to Bryant. Hilleary and his staff dismiss the Zogby poll and Bryant's own numbers, saying their own campaign has more sound methodology for polling that they trust showing Hilleary ahead.

The polling arguments in the Tennessee Senate race are representative of the debate at this point for conservatives watching the primary. With Hilleary and Bryant running lockstep on all issues, the race appears to be boiling down to more of a high school popularity contest. Arguments made behind closed doors and in sidebar conversations by both men to state legislators and conservative activists focus on personal character traits ­- who is a "fighter" and who is more "sincere" in their conservative beliefs.

The battle for endorsements from Republican members of the state Legislature is becoming particularly pitched. Both candidates have taken to working GOP events in the state trying to wrangle commitments from the state level Republicans lawmakers.

Hilleary is playing to the GOP faithful well, though he used up more of the party's resources than Bryant in 2002. Both men failed to win statewide office, though Hilleary's general election loss to sitting Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen cost state Republicans far more in political capital and campaign contributions than did Bryant's failed Senate primary bid.

Part of Hilleary's case he makes in his bid to best Bryant with conservatives is his military experience in the face of an ongoing Iraq war. Hilleary is a Desert Storm veteran. "When we have a war going on with flag draped coffins coming home every week, they want someone who has done it before," Hilleary told the newspaper. "I think we have an excellent shot at winning because I am the best candidate and will make the best senator."

Why on earth would you want to put Van's record against Ed's? They both served honorably in the military. How dare you denegrade someone's service because it might have been shorter than someone elses. Van put his life on the line for his country, just like Ed. Is that not enough for you? Why do you insist on making someone's service appear more honorable than someone elses? What a useless excercise and waiste of time. Not to mention a cheap, tawdry, sleazy attack. I'm peronally offended at your dismissal of Van's service. How dare you! You should be shamed of yourself.

Van flew 24 mission of C-130's DURING WAR TIMES. He served in both Desert Storm and Desert Shield. You talk about "missrepresenting" someone's military service. Well that's exactly what you did! How hypocrtical. Not only did Van serve in the past. He CURRENTLY serves in the Air Force Reserve. he is a Major. He's been there since he returned from war in the early 90's. Meaning he has served longer than 6 years. You've got some nerve questioning someone's miltary service. What unit do you serve in?

I was sickened when I saw this post. I've got a good mind to take you to task for this on my blog. I can believe someone would stoop this low. I've seen low before, but this is a NEW low. A guy put his life on this line and some no-account blogger has the audacity to mock that service!
Charles -

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a Van supporter has reading comprehension problems, but I usually reserve such deficiencies to our rivals on the Left. Below is what I wrote (provided so that you don't have to click the "Back" button):


Clint Brewer has a good column regarding the 2006 Senate race. However, he did slightly misrepresent the military service records of Hilleary and Bryant (if I can take up for my former boss for a second) by not mentioning Bryant's service record. Yes, Hilleary served as a navigator on a cargo plane in Desert Storm for 4 months and was Air National Guard prior to that, but I would put Ed Bryant's six years of volunteer service in the U.S. Army up against Van's experience. One of Van's genius campaign staff might want to inform him that running on one's military experience works best when the chief competition doesn't have a similar (or even superior) service record.


In your comment, you write that I "denegrade" Van's military service. Show me where, and, if you can't, apologize.

You write that I "insist on making someone's service more honorable?" Again, show me where, and, if you can't, apologize.

You write that this is a "cheap, tawdry, sleazy attack" by mentioning Bryant's military service alongside Hilleary's. Again, show me where, and, if you can't, apologize.

You write that I dismiss Van's service. Again, show me where, and if you can't, apologize. (In fact, if anyone is dismissing military service, Mr. Badger, it is you. Do you wish to dismiss the military service of those who volunteered during non-war times? I'm sure that thousands of vets in East and Middle Tennessee would be interested in this stand by one of Van's staunchest supporters...)

You also state on your blog that I am a "faction in this campaign." I most certainly am not, and I demand that you retract such a statement or face further recourse. While I may choose to enter this fray at a later date, I am most certainly not involved in ANY political campaigns at this time - nor could I be.

I equated the service of both men, giving neither man more credit than the other for their time and honorable service. Besides, wouldn't that make me a hypocrite to call out Van's service when I once trumpeted it while working for him?

Charles, I assume that you are a Republican. Please read articles/posts/columns carefully before becoming reactionary. Leave the reactionary posts, failed arguments, "straw-man constructions," and lack of ideas to the Left.



My posts are neither "reactionary" nor "straw man" as you state. Where did you "denegrade" Van's service? you ask. Where do you insist on making someone's service more honorable? Uhm...right here:
"...but I would put Ed Bryant's six years of volunteer service in the U.S. Army up against Van's experience." Why on earth do you need to compare them in the first place? All that needs to be said is--both men served honorably. Period! But instead you took it a step further and suggest that we should hold Van's service up and against Bryant's! You made a point of emphasizing Bryant's SIX years. After which, either out of ignorance or malice you ommitted Van's years in the miltary. You failed to mention the fact that he CURRENTLY serves as a MAJOR in the Reserves. You failed to mention that Van's service was in WARTIME in both Desert Storm and Desert Shield, and as such that he was RISKING HIS LIFE. Furthermore, you inaccuratly characterize van's service as being "four months". Van's cumulative military service has been much longer than a mere four months. Because he's been in the reserves since he returned from war in teh early 90's! All of these vital points are mysteriously, yet conspicuously missing from your "article." Clearly you were comparing the two men's miltary service. Even in your response to me, you wrote: "I equated the two men's service." For What? Why would you feel the need to compare anyone's service in the first place, if not to make one's appear better than the other?

Here's another gem from your post: "One of Van's genius campaign staff might want to inform him that running on one's military experience works best when the chief competition doesn't have a similar (or even superior) service record." "Van's genious campaign staff"--your idea of sarcasm; a smite against hardworking people fighting for waht they believe in. It clearly inidcates an animous toward Van. And then, in that same last quote, you wrote: "...have a similair (OR EVEN SUPERIOR) SERVICE RECORD!"
Bu then you come back, in your response with this nonsense about you gave "neither man more credit." Then why wouls you suggest that Bryant's service was in YOUR OWN WORDS--"MORE SUPERIOR?"

Huddleston, your whole article was about making Van's service somehow less than Bryant's. And don't come with this garbage about you not being "a faction of this campaign." You start off the article by stating your intention to: "take up for my former boss for a second." Then on your blog--below the Header, you prominently display your prior employment with Bryant. No one is dumb here Huddleston; I and everyone else see past your smoke screen. You minimized Van's service. That's a fact. If you were not belittling his service, then why would you suggest Bryant's was "more superior?"

Give up the lie, admit what you did. My earlier statements stand. The attack is sleazy, tawdry and cheap and you should be ashamed of yourself for it, Huddlesotn. I will not apologize--you need to do as I suggest on my blog and apologize to both Van and Ed for playing a political game with their service records!
Charles -

Please include your address with your next comment. I am going to start a collection so that we can teach you to understand the English language.

Seriously, you misread items and put your own spin on phantom comments like - well, like members of Van's campaign staff have done in 2002 and 2005.

Despite your baseless attacks, I have no animous towards Van, who, in a way, was also my former boss. However, he surrounds himself with a campaign staff that has no honor and patterns itself after those campaigns from the Left. That is why - if Van were to win the primary - he would not be receiving my vote. (I will write more on this later, when I am free to do so.) If he didn't have the likes of Todd, Coxe, et al, in his campaign, then that would be a different story.

Finally, you have yet to adequately retract your allegations that I was violating the canons surrounding my current position by participating in an active political campaign. The last time I spoke to Ed Bryant was at Justice Sunday II in Nashville back in August. Either retract your earlier comment or face recourse. I'm not going to ask nicely again.


For the THIRD time; you get no apology Huddleston. You apologize! You're the one who'se played a game with two men's service records. Both Ed and Van deserve apologies from you. I will retract NONE of my statements, I will give NO apology. You should do so. And next time, leave out the weak threats like "or face recourse." I will not be intimidated by you, huddleston. My statements stand.
I dont think you need to apoligize to badger. He is blowing this way way out of proportion. I have read it and I can not see it as a massive attack against van. You just wanted to make the point that both men have records in the army. I GOT IT!
Anonymous -

Thank you. I thought my remarks were self-explanatory, as well. But, as I was explaining to a conservative newspaper columnist last night at a local ceremony, you can only bring words to the reader, but you cannot make them understand them.

From what I have learned lately regarding young Mr. Badger, this is a problem likely to be repeated.


Hello Rob,

I also understood the point that you where making in your post.

I would like to know more about your feelings regarding Brad Todd and Hilleary's campaign person Ms. Coxe, I have had dealings with Mr. Todd and I think he is very abrasive. This from a Hilleary supporter in the 2002 election. I would like to hear what you have to say about them.

How old is Charles Badger, by the way. His defensive tack seems to place him in this late teens in my view.

I also had the pleasure of living in Coffee county back when Van was running his first congressional race and I loved the staff that he had back in 1994. They were energetic and seemed so bright eyed on getting Van elected. I think Mr. Todd was on that campaign as well, but I dont remember meeting him then.

I think since then Van has gone down hill on his staff. I have had the opportunity to meet some of them in 1998 and 2000 as well as 2002.

I think the people that one surrounds himself with show alot about the personailty of that person.
Thanks and I look forward to seeing you comments.

Josh McGinnis
Franklin, TN
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