Friday, August 12, 2005
Coming this Sunday to VOLuntarilyConservative
AUGUST 14, 2005 7:00 P.M.
At last week's meeting of bloggers with Grover Norquist, Jay Bush and I talked briefly about the possibility of attending the Justice Sunday II event at Two Rivers Baptist Church on August 14th. I hadn't really considered attending up until that point, but since I was slated to be in Nashville for other reasons (working the Promise Keepers event on Saturday and judicial training on Monday), the event fit right into a hole in my schedule.
After contacting Two Rivers and Family Research Council, I was dismayed to find that locals had the inside track on tickets. In my second call to FRC, I happened to mention that I was a blogger. Who would have thought that being a blogger would open such doors?! In any case, I have credentials as a member of the "working media" (boy, it's been a long time since I have been considered under that label), and I will be joining a litany of other bloggers who will be covering the event, both through live-blogging and conventional coverage. I am hoping to live-blog, as FRC has set up a media room with Wi-Fi and allowed for bloggers to freely move from the sanctuary to that room without problem. How I cover the event will largely depend on my technology and whether I can get my poor little laptop to once again heed my call.
I have no idea how many bloggers are scheduled to attend, but the list I have seen is quite impressive. Between the coverage by the bloggers, mainstream media, the webcast, and the broadcast on Sky Angel, there will be no shortage of stories - and opinions.
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Sharon -
You're kidding! That's what I get for going to Best Buy this afternoon - I missed my 15 minutes!
Thanks for letting me know, though!
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You're kidding! That's what I get for going to Best Buy this afternoon - I missed my 15 minutes!
Thanks for letting me know, though!
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