Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Is the GOP propping up a theocracy?

The Democrats and the media are very good at below board campaigns that alter the way Americans think about issues. (What I mean by a below board campaign can be seen in Howard Stern. Stern called himself the "King of All Media" for several years. After a while, everyone forgot who gave him the moniker, so now everyone calls him the "King of All Media." Michael Jackson and the Rolling Stones are also excellent examples.) The latest version is the notion that Republicans in America are simply puppets of Falwell, Robertson, et al, and that we are moving towards a theocracy in America. A deluge of stories appear on the subject and - voila! - it seems to be taken as fact by everyone. Such a thing is worrisome to me as a political strategist, but you have to assume that most people see through the mirage to see that there isn't anything to such actions.

But today there is proof that such labeling of a theocratic state is gaining ground - in the Blogosphere, no less. Professor Reynolds on Instapundit writes that "people (who in this case, means anyone who voted for Bush that doesn't consider themselves a part of the Religious Right) worry that (the Republicans) are the party of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson." On that, I see his point, as many Bush-backers are not fans of Falwell and Robertson. However, Glenn then goes on to say that "(Republicans are) now acting in ways that are giving those fears new life." I challenge Professor Reynolds on this point - exactly what are the Republicans doing? Social Security reform, Senate Rules changes, and Energy bills don't really have a religious source.

The only issue I see that might be relevant is the Terri Schiavo debacle, but that was bi-partisan (although the media seems to have forgotten that fact). Professor Reynolds sees this being "broader than" the Schiavo actions. I can also see the talk of religion as a litmus test for judges, with judges of faith being excluded from the federal bench, but that is merely a GOP talking point being tried now because all other lines of attack have failed to resonate with a significant percentage of the public. I fear that perhaps the below board campaign by the Left to make the public think we are heading towards the United States of the Vatican and will select our leaders in 2008 through a conclave (there, I said that word again) is taking hold.

One of Karl Rove's most important election strategies was to increase turn out by appealing to evangelical church-goers, so its no surprise that they now believe that the Republicans are beholden to them. Your conspiracy theory that "Democrats and the media" are spreading this meme is undercut by the words of powerful evangelical leaders:

Dobson: "We've got a right to hold them accountable for what happens here," and "Sometimes it's just amazing to me that they seem to forget how they got here." Bill Frist then appeared together with Dobson and Perkins on Justice Sunday to oppose a supposed "war on faith," implying that the Democrats are anti-Christ and the GOP is the party of God.

It would seem difficult to blame Democrats and the media for creating this idea in people's minds when the White House, the Senate and House GOP leadership have been courting the Christian Right since Bush came into office. Faith-based initiatives? Defense of marriage constitutional amendments? Installing Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe vs. Wade? Criminal penalties for indecency in the media?
It is amazing to me that everyone has forgotten that in 1961 we had prayer in public schools, the Ten Commandments were posted everywhere, manger scenes were allowed in the public venue, etc., etc. (many, many more exampes exist). No one complained about a theocracy then!!!!
Now we have none of those things and people like me who are conservative and Christian are demonized and ridiculed in movies, in music, by the MSM, and by many people on blogs.
Many of us come from religious traditions where our ancestors were persecuted. That's why you won't find any of us (and that includes Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson) looking to establish a theocracy - who's theocracy would it be? GET REAL!
What people are upset about is that we still believe in Biblical morality. But look around you. That morality is almost completely dismantled in this society. Now we have schools that don't work anymore, venereal disease running rampant (don't like to talk about that, do you!), junior high children having multiple sexual partners at parties, and every kind of pornographic pitstop anyone could ever have dreamed of.
That is the society created by the secularist. Unfortunately, my grandchildren are inheriting it. Theocracy - are you NUTS!!!???!!!
To Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous #1:

1) A theocracy - which is the charge that has been levied - has nothing whatsover to do with being accountable to those who put you into office, as Dobson stated. It may look like a theocracy to you to see leaders of our government in houses of worship, but if that was the case, then we have been a theocracy since the days of Washington, Adams, Morris, etc.

2) The implication that Democrats are anti-Christ started when that party elected to become pro-abortion. Rightly or wrongly, the Christian faith has traditionally never advocated abortion as acceptable in the eyes of The Lord. I don't see how you can blame Frist for that choice.

3) I'm not sure how far back you go, but the GOP started courting conservative Christians WAY BEFORE Bush came into office.

Sorry to be do direct, but I felt the need to respond to a few inaccuracies.


To Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous #2:

While I'm not sure about some of the examples you cite, I feel that we are definitely on the same side of the issue here. I hope that you don't consider me "NUTS!!!???!!!" and instead are directing your ire at the MSM.


It's been about six months or so since the election. Since then, what have the republicans been up to? Shiavo, hmm, yeah, that was pretty much 100% about religion. Federal judges, yup, your buddy Frist made that loud and clear when he pandered to religious conservative by claiming democrats were against the faith. So, when you say you can't see what the fuss is about, and then mention these two things as afterthoughts and decree them to be insignificant, you are simply engaging in pathetic rhetorical games. And anonymous number 2, where, oh where, were the ten commandments posted everywhere in 1961? Can you actually back up anything you've said? Even if you could does the fact that people didn't complain about prayer in public schools make it right? If many people in the south didn't complain about slavery, did that make it okay?
My point is this, as long as you, rob, and others deny that the gop is trying to christianize this country, you are going to be met with deaf ears by those who disagree because you are either blind or lying. I'm not a democrat, and I'm generally a conservative, but I'm not blind or deaf either. At least have the honesty of anonymous #2 and admit that you oppose secularism. Then, we can debate. Otherwise, if you insist on bringing biblical morality into the picture, bring it all, not just the parts that support your opinions. I'm talking rules on cloven-hooved animals and everything.
Anonymous -

Yes, I absolutely oppose secular humanism in all of its revolting forms. I have never been interpreted otherwise.


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