Thursday, June 02, 2005


Understanding Shelby County Voters

Commercial Appeal columnist Wendi C. Thomas recalls recent conversations with Shelby County voters that - even after the FBI's "Tennessee Waltz" - would still vote for former Tennessee Senator John Ford. Thomas is as perplexed by these people as I am. I suppose this is further antecdotal evidence of the failures of the Memphis City Schools, although it could be an overall lack of morals in Shelby County. Michael Hollihan has several reminders of why I am thankful to live in this part of the state, including a mayor that is rumored to be back in rehab and criminals as neighbors. And I wonder why I have never heard anyone refer to Memphis as "God's Country?"

I make it sound bad, I guess, but it's not that bad, either. I didn't mention the spontaneous memorial service we had for a neighbor who died unexpectedly. He had no other family, so we said our goodbyes ourselves. Very nice service.

But yeah, Memphis is really different from the rest of the state. Different enough you have to wonder.
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